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Lemme double down real quick and explain WHY you can heal all of your trauma.

You can heal all your trauma because love is more powerful than trauma.

This is because love is consciousness itself; and trauma is an expression of unconsciousness.

Once seen, unconsciousness expressions become conscious. This is what we're up to in IM at all levels of pain, including trauma-degree pain.

Tomorrow, as post #2 of the IM questions series, I'll explain why healing--the process of making the unconsciousness conscious--can, and MUST, feel good.

For now, let me go a little deeper into why 100 percent healing is possible.


In his wondrous book, The Road Less Traveled, psychologist Dr. Scott Peck provides the most helpful and real definition of love I've thus far encountered.

Dr. Peck defines love as:

The will to extend one's self for purpose of nurturing one's own or another's spiritual growth.

Toward the end of the book, Peck states that individuals with psychoses are thought to have experienced extremely poor parenting in the first nine months of life and are thus regarded--in my words, doomed--as nearly impossible to cure.

He then shares that the most rapid course of a completely successful analysis he ever conducted was with a man who came to him with a major psychosis: nine months of treatment.

The speed of the treatment doesn't really matter to me.

It's that the man was completely healed of his psychosis, despite the severity of whatever trauma he suffered that induced it.

Dr. Peck goes on to say that "among the factors that the schema of the differing severity of mental illness fails to take into account is an ephemeral something in the inficiual patitent which might be called 'a will to grow.' It is possible for an individual to be extremely ill and yet at the same time possess an extremely strong 'will to grow,' in which case healing will occur."

And then he names the will to grow as the same phenomenon as love.

In other words: the will to grow is love.


Dr. Peck says he's come to believe that people's capacity to love ultimately is a product of grace and that grace is available to all humans.

I believe with all my being that this is the truth.

I stake everything on it, and I know that staking to be a worthy risk.

I wonder about the man who was healed of his psychosis. I wonder what his story was. And I marvel at his determination to get better.


Dr. Peck asserts that all of us are called to grace but that few of us choose to listen to the call.

We have very valid reasons for resisting the call. In some way, at some point, we all resist, or have resisted the call.

Some meditators do my consultation, and even though they feel bodily better afterwards just as I claim--and the meditators I'm speaking of do feel better afterwards--I never hear from them again.

Of course, I can never know for sure why someone says no. And of course, there are some who just don't wanna pick up what I'm puttin' down.

But I believe that some people catch a faint whiff of own past pain, and they understand now the mechanism--a mechanism, rather, one of many mechanisms--for healing that pain. Now, healing is not just a concept. It's a real thing they can feel in their bodies, perhaps for the first time.


And they do the right thing. Their bodies sense, rightly, that they do not have capacity for any true seeing, no matter how gentle or slow that seeing may be. And it's right, and it's good, for them to back off. That is the most loving and courageous thing for them to do. It's hard for me when this happens, it hurts when this happens, but I'm learning how to be more and more graceful with and glad for each person with the courage to back off. I'm more and more seeing the bodily brilliance in their "no".

And again, I can never know for sure why someone says no. That not knowing is painful. I'm grateful I can more and more hold that pain and be with it instead of having to resort to blaming myself or the meditator.

I'm grateful I can remember that there are times I've said no to things, too--things that were perfectly wonderful and exactly what I'd asked for and that my body did not have capacity for. And rightfully, brilliantly, I, too, had backed away.


I rejoice all the more for the meditators who say yes.

Because if IM feels good to them and their bodies, and if they keep going with it: then they will heal.

Session by session, they will feel better. They will be challenged at times, oh yes. And in each moment, they will be met with grace, friendliness, compassion, and good cheer, and even humor--for yes, there is humor in genuine trauma healing, in the genuine alchemy of every degree of pain. And there is so much joy. So so so much joy. Always joy.

This post is not an advertisement for IM, for what I'm saying is true of all forms of true trauma healing.

And if you decide you want to: even if you have no resources, or you don't know where to start or how: because of grace, the healing that is right for you will come to you. It really will.

And it will feel good. And it must feel good.

If I'm not directed elsewhere again!!!!...then I'll have more on that tomorrow.


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